June 30, 2022
문제링크: Click
01.필요한 코드와 개념
01.1 순열?
01.2 istringstream
01.3 lower_bound()
01.4 unordered_map
순열이라고 하는게 맞는지 모르겠지만
1. 0000
2. 0001
3. 0010
4. 0011
5. 0100
6. 0101
7. 0110
8. 0111
9. 1000
10. 1001
11. 1010
12. 1011
13. 1100
14. 1101
15. 1110
16. 1111
for (int mask = 0; mask < 16; mask++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
cout << mask <<" & "<< (1<<i) << " = " << (mask & (1 << i)) << endl;
예제로 알아보는 istringstream
string inf = "java and c++ and python and c#";
string key[4], rm;
istringstream iss(inf);
iss >> key[0] >> rm >> key[1] >> rm >> key[2] >> rm >> key[3];
cout << "key[0]" << " = " << key[0] << endl
<< "key[1]" << " = " << key[1] << endl
<< "key[2]" << " = " << key[2] << endl
<< "key[3]" << " = " << key[3] << endl;
실제 사용 소스
vector<int> answer;
string key[4], tmp;
int point;
for (auto& inf : info) {
istringstream iss(inf);
iss >> key[0] >> key[1] >> key[2] >> key[3] >> point;
insert(key, point);
for (auto& que : query) {
istringstream iss(que);
iss >> key[0] >> tmp >> key[1] >> tmp >> key[2] >> tmp >> key[3] >>
string s = key[0] + key[1] + key[2] + key[3];
vector<int>& v = map[s];
answer.push_back(v.end() - lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), point));
실제 사용 소스
answer.push_back(v.end() - lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), point));
map 보다 더 빠른 탐색을 하기 위한 자료구조
실제 사용 소스
unordered_map<string, vector<int>> map;
string s = "";
int point;
for (auto& m : map) sort(m.second.begin(), m.second.end());// 정렬하는 법
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
const string ALL = "-";
unordered_map<string, vector<int>> map;
void insert(string* key, int point) {
for (int mask = 0; mask < 16; mask++) {
string s = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
s += (mask & (1 << i)) ? ALL : key[i];
vector<int> solution(vector<string> info, vector<string> query) {
vector<int> answer;
string key[4], tmp;
int point;
for (auto& inf : info) {
istringstream iss(inf);
iss >> key[0] >> key[1] >> key[2] >> key[3] >> point;
insert(key, point);
for (auto& m : map) sort(m.second.begin(), m.second.end());// 정렬
for (auto& que : query) {
istringstream iss(que);
iss >> key[0] >> tmp >> key[1] >> tmp >> key[2] >> tmp >> key[3] >>
string s = key[0] + key[1] + key[2] + key[3];
vector<int>& v = map[s];
answer.push_back(v.end() - lower_bound(v.begin(), v.end(), point));
return answer;
int main(void)
vector<int> a = solution({ "java backend junior pizza 150", "python frontend senior chicken 210", "python frontend senior chicken 150", "cpp backend senior pizza 260", "java backend junior chicken 80", "python backend senior chicken 50" },
{ "java and backend and junior and pizza 100","python and frontend and senior and chicken 200","cpp and - and senior and pizza 250","- and backend and senior and - 150","- and - and - and chicken 100","- and - and - and - 150" });
return 0;